Standing Rules

Walker Community Action Alliance



Amendments to Standing Rules: Any suggested changes to these standing rules must be presented in writing to the Board of Directors.


1.      Dues:  Annual membership dues of the Walker Community Action Alliance, for qualified members as defined in Article II of the Walker Community Action Alliance bylaws, shall be Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per member or Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per family.  Annual dues shall not be paid in installments.


2.      Treasurer Signing Limits: The president shall authorize the treasurer to pay any un-budgeted bills of the association up to the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00). Un-budgeted expenditures of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for authorization prior to expenditure.


3.      Chairmen of Standing Committees:  Chairmen of all standing committees shall provide a written report of their committee activities at the annual meeting.


4.      Chairmen of Special Committees:  All Chairmen of Special committees shall provide a written report of their committee activities at the end of their committee responsibilities.


5.      Bills and Receipts:  Bills with receipts must be presented promptly.  Bills over three (3) months old will not be honored.


6.      Membership List:  A membership list or an email list shall not be given or sold to persons or organizations to be used for solicitation, sales or political purposes.


7.      Gifts:  The monetary value of gifts given shall be $25.00 or less.




These Standing Rules last revised on May 18, 2024 effective immediately.